I am a flighty person, prone to all the whimsy and irrational following that is attributed to women. I've had my share of fashion missteps; in the last month alone I have: worn one peacock feather earring, attempted to wear a deep v-necked shirt with no bra, and worn a zebra-patterned shirt with a skull-patterned scarf. I have also been privately wearing said skull-patterned scarf as a headband (a la Axl Rose) or, alternately, a side-ponytail, both in efforts to work up the nerve to do either in public.
It is because I have been trying to be a little more fearless with colour that I sometimes fall into these traps, and also because I have no inherent style but attempt to steal from more gifted/confident people (since we all know it is confidence that makes these things work anyway). The worst (best?) part is that I always know what I'm doing as I walk out the door; I know I'm going out on limb by doing it, and even though the risk of failure is greater than the potential for success, I DO IT ANYWAY.
I am a danger to myself and to others in this way, but thus far nobody has said anything untoward to me regarding my strange choices. I start to feel myself floating away on outfit ideas with no weight. It is during these times that I ask other, more normal, people for their opinions. When I asked Marion about my one peacock earring, she said, "We can work with it." And until we do work with it, the earring is hanging in my bathroom.
Today I asked Kyle what he thought about rompers.
"Yeah. Rompers. One piece outfits that are like shorts and a shirt together, in one piece? Or sometimes pants and a shirt in one piece. You know...
"Aren't those...for children?"
"Yeah. Well, no. They used to be. But they're really hot right now!"
"So what you're trying to tell me is that fashion is so perverted that sexualizing little girls and de-sexualizing women isn't enough anymore - now they want little girls and women to dress the same so if you disregard size you can't tell them apart? They're trying to convince you all that it's 'hot' for men to desire prepubescent girls?"
The last person I saw wearing rompers was a man, aged ~ 70, in a Thai restaurant with Lauren and my mom.
Not to say that I didn't know they were hot right now. I know that. I see women wearing them, too.
But yeah. That guy. He kind of got lost going to the bathroom. I was funny. Or sad. One of the two.
And I pretty much totally agree with Kyle. Just saying.
I assume you'll be in Houston this weekend (read: you better be in Houston because I'll be there and someone I know keeps pestering me about when I'll be down there, so it would be a crying shame and a half if that person wasn't there for some reason hint hint nudge nudge wink wink). We'll attach fireworks to my wheelchair and see where the night takes us.
OK bye!
EXCUSE ME, when were prepubescent girls NOT every man's closeted wet dream? Hello, Lolita? And did you watch the movie, "Thirteen"? What about "Kids"??? I say, wear the romper if you so desire. In fact, pair it with a large lollipop. I defy Kyle to keep it in his pants at that point.
And as a second point, why should we ladies have to change our style as we age if you're still going to wear that fucking Transformers t-shirt from middle school?! God dammit, tomorrow I'm wearing culottes.
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