Oh my GOD you guys, it has NOT been 5 days since I updated! I refuse to believe that. I clearly has a problem.
Especially since I did not intentionally lolcat that last sentence.
I did, however, intentionally make "lolcat" into a verb, so...there's that.
I started Introduction to Statistics last Monday and it's totally making me cry myself to sleep every night. It started out being all about mean, median, range, and mode, which of course made me all cocky about being clever at math. But feeling that I was clever at math was only my first mistake, or maybe my second, only after signing up for this class in the first place.
Not only am I stupid at math, but this class is even MORE compressed than last Summer Semester, because it's only 4 weeks long as opposed to 5 like last time. And, have I mentioned that I suck at math? I'm always pulling this shit. Hubris is my middle name.
Other than that...well, it was my mom's birthday yesterday. And...my 22nd birthday is tomorrow. Christ. Even typing that felt like I was dropping a bomb, like, "...and I broke up with my boyfriend." Which isn't true at all but even typing that made me feel nauseous. I don't know, I was excited last year because it meant the end of my stomach churning every time I walked up to the front door of a bar because I was afraid of getting carded and being turned away. But this year I just feel kind of like I'm falling behind on something. I hope nobody makes a big deal out of it.
I might have mentioned last year that with every passing year my wit and intelligence get mistaken less for precociousness and more for wisdom, and I might have mentioned how much I hate that. I did so love being precocious. Can I be a - OH MY GOD, I'M A TWENTYSOMETHING.
Please excuse me while I have a major crisis of character.
1 comment:
I did take two girls to a dance in 9th grade, yes. One asked me to go and then backed out because she was going out of town that weekend, so I asked another. And then, days before the dance, the original girl decided not to go out of town and was all up in my shit again.
So I took both.
I'm a man who thinks outside the box. I'm a man who gets results. Lauren's marrying a big, effing deal.
You know it.
PS - It was really awkward and I had no idea what to do and I think one of them was actually into me but I was waaaaay into this other girl I wasn't at the dance with. I totally ignored the girl who liked me and she kind of disappeared, and when I found her in the lobby of the hotel she was crying because some asshole made fun of her for coming with me. HIGH SCHOOL WAS AMAZING IN EVERY WAY.
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