Thursday, July 17, 2008

Twenty Two

Lauren gave me a card that - when opened - said, "Many years ago, your body went through a change called Puberty. Now, it is going through another change, called Gravity" and it made me cry a little bit.

She also tied one of those aluminum balloons to my birthday present and the balloon has this blue lion on it that's saying, "IT'S A BOY!" We joked about giving my parents a heart attack with it, but I told her that they would surely get the joke. Or if they didn't get why it was funny, they'd at least understand that it wasn't true.

Cue my mom walking into my room this afternoon and saying, "IT'S A BOY?"

Humorless parents are just the worst, aren't they?

Tonight, Lauren, John, David O, David F and I are all going to eat dinner in the village and drink, and then we're going to see a midnight showing of the new BATMAN!
I'm way more excited now than I was a few days go, because, you know...Batman. But I heard that it got a lot of really good reviews in the paper.

David O just called and told me he's on his way so I gotta change my shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Priya, just start calling them "O" and "F". It may give you some sort of secret agent edge... or something. Or, you could attach some senseless numbers to the end of these key letters and go all Zamyatin dystopia on our asses. OR David O could be "0" and David F can be "1". Of course, in this binary scenario, David O would perhaps be unfairly favored in your posts.
0000001, 00000011

Too much time on my hands.

-you know