Friday, January 18, 2008

Whoaaa! Posting Overload!

I'm back again. I saw Cloverfield today. Or is it Cloverfeild? I can't make an educated guess because they never explain what the word "Cloverfeild/Cloverfield" is supposed to mean. Anyway, reports of this movie being the next Blair Witch Project were right in many respects.

Handheld camera: check
Main characters under attack at night by someone/something whose origins and motives are never explained: check
Cliffhanger ending: check

It was scary, but in a "AH! Oh, that startled me! *nervous twitter*" kind of way, rather than a "gives you incurable heebie-jeebies which will haunt you every time you close your eyes or turn the lights off for the rest of your miserable worthless life" scary (as was The Orphanage).

And I know I've been doing something that may be construed as "ragging" on The Orphanage, but the more I do so, the more I seem to think I liked it. At the very least I'm sure that I want to take all my friends to see it and watch as they shit their pants too. Is that so wrong?

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