Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm so fucking clever.

You guys just need to watch from 6:00 to 7:00. I can prove my point within a minute.

That minute is kind of painful in that it sounds like any number of conversations I've had with any number of random guys at the bar.

Random Guy: "Can I buy you a drink?" (Hannity: "Do you think...")

Me: "You know, I don't think you should have to ask me that! I think it's pretty stupid for guys to have to offer to buy girls a drink before they even introduce themselves, you know what I mean? I mean, it's like, some girls expect that, sure. But I'm a big girl! I can buy my own drinks, you know what I'm saying? And anyway, then, like, before you know it, you're, like, trading, like...drinks for my time, like you think my time is worth five bucks...don't you think that's weird? Don't you think that's kind of gross? It's like paying a woman to be your companion...you know? Get it? Your companion? And then girls start to expect that treatment and they turn into crazy bitches who won't say hi to you unless you have, like, like, a pink fucking cosmopolitan in your hand first, right? You know what I'm saying? And the whole system makes women into awful stereotypes like whores and force men to become, like, providers!" (Palin: "Disappointed, slow down spending, he's done just the opposite! To the degree, our country could devolve into something, Founding Fathers!")

Random Guy: "Totally, like social...uh, societal expectations" (Hannity: "...socialism?")

Although these types of conversations tend to end in vomiting/tears for me and hers ended in...well, I don't know what, since I didn't watch the end of the video, but I assume not vomiting/tears.

(Marion informed me that Palin eventually offers to feed Hannity a bunch of Moose Hot Dogs and Moose Chili, so, I guess hers ends in vomiting/tears after all. Nice)

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